Often times I'll just look at my son and realize that he won't ever be like this again. Exactly how he is in this second will never happen again. Each day he is changing and growing and it's a sad thing for a mother to realize. I know that soon he will be too big to take a nap on my chest, or sit in his swing. Soon his tooth will be grown and he will say his first word. Soon he will finally roll from back to front and front to back. Someday in the near future he will crawl for the first time or eat off a spoon. Soon he will take his first step and fall for the first time. I know that soon he won't be making the cute faces he makes or the cute sounds. He won't want to suck on his, and everyone else's, hands. His favorite food will no longer be formula. His little feet won't be so little anymore. Every time he sees me he won't light up with glee. His favorite toy will no longer be the
Oball. It makes me sad to think about my son changing, and growing. Even while I'm writing this and he is laying next to me asleep I know I will never get this moment back. It's a funny thing about time, it will always continue to move forward and you can never get it back.