Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dear James, You're Four Months Old!

I can't believe I have a four month old. My tiny baby is four months old. That statement still seems so foreign, yet soon he will be a five month old. So many new things are happening with you every day James. YOU ROLLED! It took a while and you got so close so many times but finally you're a pro. You can only roll from back to belly and once you get to your belly you get a little frustrated, but still, you love rolling! Every time I put you on your back the first thing you do is roll to your belly! You love sitting and standing. You can kind of hold yourself up when sitting but only for a few seconds. You started eating solids this month!!! Although you hate rice cereal and sweet potatoes, but you LOVE apples! I also started giving you a trainer cup when you have solids to get ready for the transition to a cup, but you don't quite have that down. You can hold the handles and get the cup to your mouth, but you haven't quite figured out that you have to tip the cup up!

You can hold your head up completely steady and can even use your jumparoo! We had to pack up your beloved swing this month because you outgrew it, which was sad. We still have a portable swing but you don't like that as much. You're favorite place to sleep is still mommy's chest although we have been working really hard this month to get you in your crib. All your naps take place in your crib and every night you start in your crib, but at like 3 or 4 in the morning when you wake up and realize your not with mommy you want out! Your favorite toys right now are your oball and your taggies blanket. The best thing I ever purchased for you has to be the Tiny Love Super Mat, so amazing! It made you love tummy time. You love eating your hands and you're teething really bad this month. You have gotten so big you're in 9 months clothes now. You don't look as chunky anymore since you have gotten so long! It's hard to believe how tall you are!!
You have really developed a belly laugh this month and you think everything is funny! You can grab a toy if I hold it in front of you now, your coordination is getting so good! I keep having to change this post because you keep doing so many new things this month, I love it. You also started scooting a lot. I can put you in the middle of your Super mat and come back a minute later and your off it somehow.
I cannot wait to see all the changes that take place in the upcoming weeks. I love you forever.

James 4 Month Video! from Patricia Borgstede on Vimeo.

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