Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our Favorites: Updated List

I originally wrote a "Top 5 Baby Products" post in August of last year, when James was only two months old. Well now that he is just days away from turning 8 months old, A LOT has changed.
So here we go. But this time it is a "Top 10 Baby Products" list

Number One: Born Free 9oz Bottles

Okay, so our favorite bottles certainly have changed. I originally bought these only because they were on sale and we were desperate to find a bottle that James would like. Turns out these became his instant favorite! What I really like about these bottles specifically is that they have a Patented leak free activeflow venting technology clinically designed to reduce colic and gas, which worked really well with my gassy son!

Number Two: Mesh Teethers

James has been teething since he was 4 months old. Guess how many teeth he has now? NONE! Needless to say it has been a long struggle. Well I have been on the search for ANYTHING that can help my poor boy with his teething pains. I received these mesh teethers as a gift. What I love most about them is that you control what goes in there. So often times I will use frozen cubes of baby food inside so that he gets the relief he so desperately needs!

Number Three: Jeep Clamshell Diaper Bag

My diaper bag struggles have been big and plenty. I used 4 diaper bags before this before I finally found one I loved. I had seen this bag given to a friend at a baby shower. I really liked it because it has a sturdy top so that when you open the diaper bag you the top stays open on its own, which is really helpful when you happen to be carrying your son in your other hand. One thing I also love about this bag is that it's HUGE, and I'm talking HUGE!!!!!!

Number Four: Nuk Pacifiers

Along with my constant search for a bottle that James liked I was on the hunt for a pacifier that he would keep in his mouth for more than five seconds at a time. When he was little the only pacifier he would use was MAM brand, when he got a bit older his views of that brand quickly changed. Now the only pacifiers he will use is the Nuk ones. That is pretty beneficial to me because they happen to be the least expensive ones on the market as well as coming in the most amount of designs! My personal favorite is the lion and the frog!

Number Five: Safety 1st Complete Air 65 Protect Convertible Car Seat

James could not stand his infant car seat from day one. Every time he was in it he would cry the entire trip. We actually moved James to this convertible car seat when he was 4 months old. What's great about this car seat is it can actually be used from birth up to 65 pounds. I wish I had known that! We would have used it from the start. The fabric on this is super soft and breathable, he never gets sweaty in this seat, even in the super hot weather of Florida!

Number Six: Aveeno Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream

James has had bad skin since birth. It is really sensitive and his cradle cap was horrible! Johnson and Johnson products make him break out very badly. Though a wide search we found this lotion is the only one that keeps his eczema under control.

Number Seven: Baby Bullet Complete Care System 

I'm not going to go into much detail about this except for the fact that it is AMAZING! You can read all about my love for the baby bullet here!

Number Eight: Evenflo ExerSaucer Triple Fun - Jungle

There is so much I can say about this amazing thing. James loves it. There are so many fun activities on it, actually after he is done with the ExerSaucer aspect it actually turns into an activity table, which I think is pretty cool. The only downfall with this bad boy is that it has a motion censored toy on it, WITH A REALLY ANNOYING SONG. Try hearing "Red...yellow...blueeeeee" ALL DAY LONG! But besides that, it's practically James most loved toy.

Number Nine: Tiny Love Super Mat

This is my all time favorite purchase I made for James. The thing is amazing. The thing is HUGE which was perfect for James when he couldn't crawl yet. He would roll around on that thing for hours and be completely entertained. It folds up almost completely flat, and has handles to carry it. It is so bright in color. It also has several activities on it like a teether on a string, a crinkly elephant ear, a squeaker hidden inside, a curly tail to pull on. One of my favorite things about it is the fact that is machine washable. Oh and it's not that expensive. Now that James is almost 8 months old we still love this mat, he especially loves pulling the curly tail!

Last But Not Least, 

Number Ten: Baby Trend Expedition Jogger

I got this stroller as a gift for my birthday. I guess my boyfriend, Dennis, was tired of hearing me say how much I wanted it, lol. Not only do we use this for walks/jogging we use it as our everyday stroller. I love this thing! I love the "bike" type wheels on it, making it ride really easy no matter where we are. I love how easy it is to fold. I love that the seat reclines almost completely, in case wherever we are James falls asleep. It has two cup holders and a place in between for your wallet. It also has two cup holders for James when he gets older. I also love how it has a pretty large basket underneath, large enough to fit my giant diaper bag + my camera case. I give this an A+++++

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