Dear James,
I can't believe you're going to be five weeks tomorrow. It feels like just yesterday I was holding you on my chest for the first time. These short five weeks have flown by and I wish I could slow down time. I wouldn't trade all the sleepless nights and baby throw up all over me for anything. Every moment with you I cherish as I know I'll never get it back. Even at this moment while I'm writing this you're patiently staring at mommy on the computer. I love every inch of you.Things I'm going to miss:
- How you love staring at the light
- The noise you make before you smile
- How you love flailing your arms
- How much you freak out when I change your diaper, the wipes make you make the cutest face
- How much you love your swing
- How you grab onto my finger when I feed you a bottle
- The grunting noises you make when you sleep
- How small you are
- What it sounds like when you cry
- How dependent you are on me
- How much you love the rocking chair
- How bouncing you will always make you stop crying
- How much hair you have
- How blue your eyes are
- How you love to make fists
- Your tiny feet
- How your just starting to look at objects
- Your tiny nails
- How you love "watching" T.V.
- How calm you get when I hold you
- Your smell
- Spending every second of every day with you
- How you love sticking your tongue out
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