Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bloggers Corner, Guest Blog Post: Laney's Ventage Place

Hello! I'm Alana (Uh Lane Uh) or you can also call me Laney (which is a nick name I answer to as well).   I am 29 years old. I'm open, straight forward, blunt, honest, kind, compassionate, I have a big heart, and a great sense of humor. Those are just a few words to describe me. (do note: I'm not afraid to show emotion and sometimes when I blog I end up making myself cry. It's what I do. I'm a sap. I cry at weddings so what do you expect. I cried all the way thru Titanic.) Anyways...I was born on Pearl Harbor Day! (and if you all have to look on a calendar or google it that then shame on you all). I am from a small town in southwest Georgia. 3 hours south of Atlanta. I'm currently waiting to go back to college come August 2013. I'm majoring in Medical Administration and I lack one class from graduating. ( long story and that's for another day and time)  I live at my parents for the time being. 2 loving parents who have been together for 35 years and married for 32. They are 2 loving Christian yet strict parents! (another story for a different day) and I have one brother who's 6 yrs younger than me and a pain in my butt but I wouldn't trade him for the world.   I enjoy reading, cooking, going to the beach/lake, shopping, collecting anything that has to do with owls (a collection I started right after my mom's mom died in August 2012) I enjoy being with my family, spending time with friends, playing with one spoiled rotten Boston terrier, taking photos, listening to music, going to church, watching the Georgia Bulldogs play during football season, and blogging.

             Blogging brings me to where I am right now.  I feel as if I would be a good guest blogger because of the different variety of things I have to say in my blog. Some of you may be able to know what I'm going thru during some of my blogs because maybe you've been there.  I don't just get online and come to my blog and know exactly what I'm going to say that day. When I sit down and blog, it's usually late at night. Take for instance, right now. It's 2:36 a.m. I apparently have trouble sleeping. I call myself a night owl. I can't sleep unless I take some kind of sleep aid. Benadryl, Tylenol pm, melatonin or whatever.  Sometimes that doesn't even help. I was saying....I tend to blog more at night because that's one reason why I can't sleep. Because I have way too much going on in my head. I think too much. I over analyze everything. But, hey...what female doesn't? I think entirely too much, and I am a worry wart. If I tend to blog during the day say at 2 p.m., I'll have a short post that won't even amount to anything so why bother posting. That's how I feel anyways.  
            I plan to bring as much as I can to this monthly blog. I speak from my heart. Rather it's about family, love, my faith and love in Christ, or just venting because I have alot weighing me down. I let things get to me, and I worry too much. (like I said.)
            I blog because I'm able to get my feelings out on paper. I blogged for 5 yrs on and I have 1 friend who only comments there and uses xanga, but that's fine. I want more feedback. I want more advice. I want more opinions, thoughts from others, concerns, questions, answers, and so much more. I want to be able to pour my heart out on paper and in some way I may be able to help someone that's going thru something. One of my blogs may bring something out in that person, that maybe they had been hiding for a while and something I said gave them hope that they could speak about it. Just like I want to make a difference in people's life rather it's someone online or in real life. I want the same thing in return. I want to be remembered as a good hearted person who would do anything for anybody and go out of their way for people.
            If I ask my friends to describe me they would say I have a big heart that tends to get me hurt in the long run, I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and I go out of my way for people. It doesn't matter if I'm feeling bad that day or having an off day...I put others feelings before me regardless.  I send daily messages to my friends to let them know I am thinking of them, or if they are having a problem and I see that they need a pick me up or some kind of uplifting word I will do that. I feel as Christians, we should be there for each other and love each other and support them and do what we can for them when we can.
   read that right. Yes I'm a Christian. I'm not afraid to show it or talk about it. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior at church camp when I was 13. I can remember the day like it was yesterday. Most of my faith comes from the love of Jesus Christ! And knowing that God is never late. He's always one time. That nothing is never too big or too small for him. The rest of my faith and strength I get from my family and true friends who are there for me no matter what!
            So with that being said, I hope that I didn't bore you too much. I hope you didn't get lost because if you did....just let me know where you are and I can try to find my way to you and make it so you're not lost anymore. :D (see told you I had a sense of humor. and if you don't get it or think it's corny. Well...the more I blog....then the more you'll figure it out and understand it.) Or I could have you laughing til you're in tears one day. You never can tell with me. Or I could have you crying one day.
            I'd love it if you'd follow me and read my blogs and give me feedback! All I ask is for honesty, respect, and open-ness in return! And when commenting and if I ask for advice I do ask that you don't hold anything back rather you think it may make me make. I want to know. I want people to be honest with me as I am honest with them.
:D Thanks and happy reading!

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