Saturday, February 23, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I'm so glad I got my act together this week and I get to participate for a second time in Scavenger Hunt Sunday! I truly love this and think it is so much fun. Once again most of the pictures below with be SOOC. :)

1. Time to Eat

2. Getting Ready

3. Playtime

This one is out of my archives because I simply couldn't go without posting this picture. I took it amongst other pictures I took for my first Scavenger Hunt Sunday, which you can find here. I thought it fit perfectly for playtime and had to use it!

4. Sweet Dreams

5. Scrub-a-Dub

When I saw this topic I wanted so badly to be able to capture a super cute tub shot. Well this week that just didn't permit. So this is right after the bath! Clearly he wasn't ready for bed yet lol.

Just like the first time I did this I had a lot of fun and hope I am able to participate next week as well :)


  1. Nice photos.
    Happy Scavenger Hunt!

  2. nice pics and happy scavenger hunt. how does one join? it sounds fun depending on what you have to do.

  3. Your last 2 photos are just lovely! X
