Saturday, February 9, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!

This is my first time doing a Scavenger Hunt Sunday! I am pretty excited and these seem pretty fun. This week all of my pictures are going to be SOOC(straight out of the camera-in other words, no editing). I hope to participate in many more scavenger hunts but for now here is this weeks!

1. The Small Things
For this one I knew I wanted to incorporate my son, since he is a "small thing", but I wasn't sure how. Lately he has been obsessed with the BIG legos, which are still small, so I decided to use both of them for this one.

2. Illustration
This was a really hard one for me. Since I am terrible, and I mean terrible at drawing I decided to take a picture of one. This is hanging in my house, it's a drawing of my dog Daisy. It was drawn by Jose Ferrer, my brother-in-law.

3. Valentine
We don't have any Valentine's Day decorations up yet so the category Valentine was a toughie, I saw this calendar and figured it was the best thing I could take a picture of. 

4. Work of Art
Since I already explained I am challenged at making any form of art(besides music that is) I decided the only thing I made that I consider a work of art. My son, James. He is more of a work of art to me than anything else I have ever seen. 

5. Window Beauty
This one was THE HARDEST one for me. I didn't like the way any of the pictures I took of the windows at my house. While I was playing with James I saw this little car on the ground and figured it has windows on it so it must count! So there it goes. 
I had a lot of fun doing this scavenger hunt and really hope I am able to it next week as well!
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  1. I agree! Most beautiful work of art! I struggled this week too.

  2. Little ones are indeed unique works of art. Nicely done.

  3. What an amazing work of art! Your kiddo is so cute!

  4. whoa! very creative idea for windows. sounds like you figured out we (SHS participants) "stretch" our interpretations to suit the situation. loved the first pic of your son in the background w/the Lego. Hope you'll be back next week?

    1. Thanks, I think the lego picture was my favorite as well. I will definitely be back next week, I had a lot of fun planning the pictures. :)

  5. You are so absolutely right in that our children are our masterpieces. Well done on pulling together your first outing with Scavenger Hunt - Welcome and look forward to seeing more from you.

  6. Welcome to the hunt. You did a great job with the prompts. The Small Things shot of the Legos was really fun and oh my goodness the Work of Art shot of your little boy is so cute. Also like the Window shot.
    Hope to see you again here on the hunt.

  7. jejeje. Wonderful window beauty scavenger hunt ♥. Nice photos, you're doing great.

  8. Your son is definitely a work of art!!! He is adorable...just look at that smile!

  9. Oh I love the photo of the truck with windows! My little one is obsessed with trucks...I have dozens of those little things scattered all over my house. Great idea, love the use of the window in the scavenger hunt! :)
